P5 Unity on the Iran Deal and the Fate of the NPT

Below is a letter that Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy sent on July 23 to New York Senators Schumer and Gillibrand urging support for the Iran agreement. If you are in the United States and have not done so already, it’s definitely worth getting in touch with your senators and representatives on this extremely important matter. Continue reading “P5 Unity on the Iran Deal and the Fate of the NPT”

eNews of Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy (LCNP), July 2015

A Revealing NPT Review Conference

There’s a lot to unpack regarding the recently concluded NPT Review Conference. Despite the failure to reach agreement, there are some encouraging trends. See below for a concise guide! Plus the latest developments in the Marshall Islands Nuclear Zero cases in the International Court of Justice and more.

eNews of Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy (LCNP), July 2015

Letter to the Embassador of Russia in Germany

“The principal judicial organ of the United Nations, which is responsible for binding interpretation of international law, decided that “the threat or use of nuclear weapons would generally be contrary to the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, and in particular the principles and rules of international humanitarian law” (ius in bello).”

Read the full letter here

Words for George Farebrother

George was always there. Even before any of us oldtimers. Frederick Douglas said nothing happens without struggle. George would say nothing happens without organization, which is the implementation of struggle. He went about it calmly, methodically, dependably.  History teacher that he was, he made sure the struggle was based on truth, a weapon more powerful than even the atom bomb.

It is doubtful that nearly four million declarations of public conscience could have been collected without him and Jean for the ICJ nuclear weapons case.  They not only helped to collect them for the movement. They were the public conscience of the movement. Continue reading “Words for George Farebrother”